Tuesday, June 13, 2006

13th June 06 - Managing Losing Streaks

These 2 days hasn't been easy, with 2 losing days back to back and taking out most of the gains for June.

A valuable lesson learnt is learning to RESPECT THE MARKET AT ALL TIMES...

Well, the 1st week of June has been smooth sailing. 90% of the trades I went in made $$ for me. It seemed that everything I touched, it will turn to gold. I even have friends asking "How do he do it man? Almost buying at the lows and selling at the highs". I guess with this, subconsciously I have begun to take the market for granted. In fact, by end of last week, I have detected that my 'form' has dipped a fair bit but I have chose not to pay much attention to it.

To me, trading is like soccer. A trader, similarly a soccer team, doesn't win all the time. There will definitely come a time where the losing streak sets in. This is the TEST where how you perceive the situation matters. Do you see as yourself as a failure or do you see it as a perfect opportunity to learn valuable lessons from your mistakes? I don't about you, but I will definitely go for the latter! I always stand by "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger"

So you may ask, how am I gonna deal with my present losing streak?

The plan is simple. As my trading 'form' is currently on a downtrend, definitely it is not wise to trade alot. Usually I trade up to 3 times a day but for the next 3 days, I will at most trade once a day. And, everytime I go in now, I am targeting to go for minimal profit. The objective is to regain the winning form. Sometimes, when you are stuck in a losing streak, it's amazing that even make 1pt from the market can be very difficult.

That's my plan for now; stay tuned for updates :)

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